Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Student Announcement










4:30PM Boys Junior Varsity Soccer North Eugene High School Away

6:00PM Boys Varsity Soccer North Eugene High School Away




If you ride Bus PLEASE LISTEN:  Millicoma’s/Marshfield Bus 48:

Route 48 will be arriving to the Marshfield & Millicoma’s AM Stops 10 minutes earlier. We are readjusting the routes so the students will arrive in time for breakfast.  This change starts on Wednesday, 9/17/2008.  I apologize for any inconvenience, this will cause you.  If you have any questions I may be reached at 888-9131.

MHS Route 1

Only changes are as follows:

6:52 AM         19th Frontage

6:53 AM         1831 Juniper

6:55 AM         1333 Butler

6:57 AM         Ocean/Encore

7:00 AM         Alder Acres

7:03 AM         Evergreen & Ferncourt

7:05 AM         2045 Timberline

7:09 AM         Lincoln/Oakway

7:14 AM         Butler/Juniper

Changes Start on Wednesday, 9/17/2008.  If you have any questions call Diana Whitmire at 888-9131.


Meet At The Pole...this is an annual Christian activity held for interested students who want to meet at the flag pole in front of the main building for prayer, fellowship and singing.  First meeting is on Wednesday, September 24th at 7:30am.  If you have questions about this activity, contact Jessica Beebe at MHS.



"Yahweh's Daughters meets today at lunch in PH600. Bring your lunch and a friend. See you there!"


The computer lab in room 144 of the Main Building is open during lunch everyday. Students are encouraged to drop by, check email, do some internet research or write a paper. We only have 26 computers so for obvious reasons only the first 26 students will be allowed in the lab. Food and drink are OK.


The PSAT will be given on October 15th from 8:20 AM to 11:30 AM in assigned rooms at Pirate Hall.  The PSAT is the only way juniors can enter into the National Merit Scholarship contest.  The PSAT is also excellent practice for the SAT.  The cost is $13.00, please make checks out to Marshfield High School.  Juniors can sign up for the PSAT at the Main Office with Mrs. Harrington before school and at 3:15 p.m. by October 3, 2008.  Sign-up early as there is a specific number of exams that were ordered and so testing spots are available on a first come first serve basis.   Oregon Department of Education will pay for any sophomore, who would like to take the test this year, sophomores must see their advisor to sign-up.  There will be a PSAT workshop scheduled during advisory time and will be announced in the future.  If you have any further questions ask your counselor or advisor.


Attention drivers:  Many of the streets surrounding MHS are part of a residential parking district.  Parking in this district during school hours is restricted to residents, who are issued a permit by the City of Coos Bay.  MHS parking permits are not valid off campus.  The restricted areas are clearly marked by signs, and if you choose to park there during school hours you may receive a parking citation by the City.  Also, please be aware the City Council has recently approved an increase in the base fine and a graduated increase in fines for subsequent violations.  If you have any questions please see Officer Labrousse.



Calling all readers from Pre School to 12th Grade.  Here’s your chance to win a really great prize during Coos Bay Library’s fall independent reading program. Beginning October 6 and Lasting till December 2 you can enter to win one of the fifteen $15 gift certificates to favorite stores or one of the six cool prizes we will be giving away. For more information on the program and how to enter please visit the Library, or call 269-1101.  All programs are sponsored by the friends of the Coos Bay Library.

Talent Search Seniors: If you want to get a fee waiver for the Oct. 4th SAT, the last day to sign up is this Thursday, September 18th. Please come by room 137 and talk to Kate Sharples or Neil Winberg.


Students Registration for the October 4 SAT without a late fee has been extended to September 19.

Register on line @


Skateboarding will be allowed during lunch, homecoming week.  If you would like to participate please pick up the Assumption of Rick sheet for your parent/guardian to sign.  You may pick one up from Mrs. Leach in Pirate Hall.


LIFETOUCH PICTURE PACKETS:  If you purchased a picture packet at registration you may pick them up in the main office any time other than class time.


PICTURE RETAKES WILL BE OCTOBER 15TH for both students and staff who did not have their pictures taken at registration.  Also, new students to MHS will receive their picture ID at this time.  The library will not be processing picture ID until late October.


STUDENTS W/O PICTURE ID:   If you purchased an ASB sticker and do not have a student ID, bring your receipt to the home games and you can still get in without paying.


Driver's Education classes begin in September.  Classes will be held at North Bend High School from Sept 15 thru Nov 10th, 4-6pm Mondays and Wednesdays.  Driving time will be scheduled outside of class time.  If you are interested and want additional information, please stop by the main office to pick up a flyer or contact the program at 1 888 553 7483

 Reading Books


Want to party?  Want to get something cool?

Then take your reading book to advisory this year.  Advisors will be keeping track of how many people are bringing the books and the winners have been promised something “not good for you” by Mr. Howard.



Room change!  Indian Ed Before-school Tutoring/Study Hall will be from 7:15-8:15 in room 131, next to Student Services.  Need a few minutes to finish your homework before the library opens?  Need help with your assignment?  Come on in!  Also available from 3:15 to 3:45 after school.


REMINDER:   If you plan to attend after school events and/or games, you MUST HAVE your school ID with you.  If you purchased the $10 ASB sticker for your card, you are admitted free to home games.  If you forget your card, or haven't paid for the ASB sticker, the cost is $3 to get in.  You must get in the habit of carrying your school ID with you or be prepared to pay for attending events.  Thanks


School Store:

I open this week, please stop by and see what is new and exciting.


Talent Search:


Juniors and Senior Talent Search students, October 10th we will be visiting the campus at Oregon State University in Corvallis. Please sign up with Mr. Winberg in room 137 if you are interested in going.



Breakfast   Monday          Breakfast Burrito

                Tuesday          Muffin, yogurt & sausage

                Wednesday     Waffle & sausage

                Thursday         Ham & Cheese Muffin



 Lunch      Monday           Hot Ham & cheese on a bun

               Tuesday           2 Taco's & Mexi rice

               Wednesday      Brunch  Omelet & sausage

               Thursday          Nacho's


